Being Single in the SLC

Friday, October 2, 2009

Onward Ho!

As I was reading back on my last post, I noticed how short and broken my sentences were. And then I thought how interesting it was that I wrote about the situation in that way. It kind of didn't flow, and it seems to really reflect how I feel about the whole relationship. Funny...

It was good to write about it, to get it off my chest. I feel like it was definitely necessary in order to move past it. I don't feel quite over it, but I'm getting better everyday. I have my moments where I am actually looking forward to the future. And maybe I will have some real dating adventures instead of being afraid of opening myself up. In fact I am chatting with The DJ and possibly going out with him. I've decided to not be so particular about how I get to know people. So I will most likely do the bar hopping thing that I was so upset about earlier. Hehe..

Speaking of not being particular. I happened to see The Kisser at the club. I haven't told you about him. Before The Good Guy, I met The Kisser at the club (surprise). His extremely drunk friend was trying hook us up. He didn't really respond at first, but seeing him later we talked quite a bit. He was quite impressed with me after he found out that my favorite Chuck Pahlaniuk book is Survivor. And we kissed...a lot. He is an incredible kisser, hence the nickname. Anyway, at the end of the night, he and his friends invited me to come back to their place. And I had to work the next morning, so that was a no. He said he would call me. And he didn't. I got a text message the following Thursday at midnight, and at that exact moment, I was on the most incredible date with The Good Guy. So obviously I didn't respond.

So, as I was saying I saw him at the club this last week. And I spent most the night talking with him and his friends. It turns out he's an atheist, which is great. But I kind of get the feeling his only interest in me is sexual. Which I think might become a big problem dating. I did end up going back to his friends house and watched a movie with all of them. And we kissed again...a lot. Too many details? Are you disgusted yet? As I left, I completely expected to not hear from him after that. But he actually texted me the next day. Unfortunately I couldn't respond because my phone is jacked. Just my luck, someone actually shows an ounce of interest, and I can't do anything about it. So he probably think I'm not interested. *sigh*

Okay, off to bar hop. I'm not expecting anything spectacular. But you never know.