Being Single in the SLC

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Out and About

Well, this week has been interesting.

Bear with me people, in an effort to remember more of this whole experience, I'm being way more specific. For my own benefit, so I'm sorry if it gets boring.

I still have not heard back from The Cyclist. I have asked a ton of people advice, since I would handle the situation very differently. I definitely would have texted him a while back. Asking if he wanted to hang out. But I keep getting told I'm too agressive, and it might come across as desperate. UGH. So I'm told if he really wanted to hang out with me, he would have said something by now. I still think that maybe I will just shoot one text and ask him how he is. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's really hard to try and filter through all this advice and still be myself. Hopefully I can find a happy medium.

I hung out with The DJ's best friend this weekend. I absolutley fell in love with this girl after he introduced us. We are hilarious together. So after he dumped me, I told her that I still think we should hang sometimes. We had a girl's day. Lunch and shopping. It was a blast. The conversation did head towards what happened with me and The DJ. I guess they don't really talk about serious stuff. He just told her that things were over, c'est la vie. That was it. I told her that it was harder because it just doesn't seem like it affects him at all, like he doesn't care. And she said he really doesn't care about much. She also said that she thinks he really has never gotten over his ex. I told her about how we had been hanging out, and some physical things happened. And she gives me this serious look. She says 'I hope that you aren't hanging out with him cause you think he will get back together with you. Cause he won't.' And I told her that I don't want to be with him. And that is the truth. It was really nice to be able to say that and know that I mean it. It was a very insightful conversation. Depressing, but helpful.

Later that night, we decided we wanted to go out and play, and meet some boys. Some of her friends suggested Green Street. It was not great at all, and our group completely ditched us. But she wanted to stick it out there for some reason. I'm glad we did, because I did have a guy approach. Extremely cute. Calling him The Emo Boy, only because he proclaimed himself to be that. He doesn't seem emo, but he says he dresses that way. I find out he is 26...and I'm a little weary of this. I'm told I look really young, so most the guys who hit on me are younger. I haven't decided if age is an all around concern. I'm getting there though. We will see with this one. But he told me that he came to talk to me because of my piercings and he really like my style. We talked for quite a bit about music, and the bar scene. He was extremely happy about my love for The Smiths. He told me I had a beautiful smile, and I got embarrased quite a bit. This weird thing has happened after all this dating. I way more reluctant to take compliments. After so many guys telling me how pretty I am, and how perfect I am. And things completely turning upside down so quickly. I feel like they weren't sincere with what they were telling me. I kept telling him to not say nice things. That's probably something I need to get over. Anyway, numbers were exchanged. And he says he wants to hang out.

Surprisingly, he texted me this morning. And we have been texting back and forth. I'm pretty happy about that. I guess we will see.


Elizabeth Marie said...

OMG I so know what you mean about the compliment thing...things can turn to crap so fast and then you're like WHAT?! I know. But this one seems innnnnnteresting....ohhhh! :)