Being Single in the SLC

Friday, June 18, 2010


Things have been getting better. I think...

I had an interview for my dream job today. It's exactly what I used to do at my old job. Minus the photography. It went really well, and I knew exactly what I was doing. So I'm really, really, really hoping I get it. It's excellent money and really laid back. She seemed almost embarrassed about the pay they were offering. I was like, WHAT?? That's fine...fine! I will hopefully find out on Monday. I can't wait!

So, in other news. I am going on a date tonight, with the dude I met at E11. I spoke to him on the phone for a bit yesterday. And he seems very sweet. He is quite the talker. But that's good, cause I like listening.

The thing though. I hinted in my last post about some concerns. He is quite a bit older than me. He doesn't look it, and he certainly didn't act it. So, I'm kind of unsure if this should be an issue. When I mention it to my friends, jaws drop. I guess I shouldn't care quite yet. We haven't even been out, and I keep thinking of things that could possibly go wrong. *must suppress pessimistic urges*

The anxiousness has not subsided. It is driving me crazy. I have a constant pain in my chest and stomach. And I just feel nervous all the time. I am hoping that it goes away soon, because I absolutely do not eat. I have been living off the same bag of chips and salsa for the past 2 weeks. I hate that feeling more than anything, and I'm not sure how to get rid of it. Blerg.